​3700 Liberty Heights Ave. Henderson, NV 89052
702-799-2270 (x4040)

Make sure you double check each event on the Google Calendar located on the HOME page. The Google Calendar is updated almost on a daily basis. 

Email Dr. Donald Malpass, band director at malpadw@nv.ccsd.net if there are any questions.

Band Calendar

You can sync Google Calendar with the Calendar app that comes on your iPhone or iPad.

On your iPhone or iPad, open your Settings.
Tap Accounts & Passwords.
Tap Add account  [and then]  Google.
Enter your email address  [and then]  Next.
Enter your password. If you don't have the latest operating system and you use 2-Step Verification, enter an app password instead of your regular password.
Tap Next.
Emails, contacts, and calendar events will now sync directly with your Google Account. To sync only your calendar, turn off the other services.
Open the Calendar app on your iPhone to see your Google Calendar events.

To sync with an existing account, tap the account and turn on Calendars.

Google Calendar features that don't work on Apple Calendar

Email notifications for events
Create new Google calendars
Room Scheduler


Sync Calendar with an ANDROID phone or tablet

When you sync your calendar on your mobile device, the same events will show up when you use Google Calendar on your computer.

Download the Google Calendar app

On your Android phone or tablet, download the Google Calendar app from Google Play. 
When you open the app, all of your events will be synced with your computer.

I don't see the Google Calendar app in Google Play

If you don't see the Google Calendar app with this icon  [Calendar] , you might have an older version of Android that doesn't work with the Google Calendar app.

If events you created or updated aren't showing in the Google Calendar app, learn how to fix sync problems.

Band Calendar

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